Friday, December 21, 2007

What an Executive Coach Can Do for You?

Do you need an executive coach? Do your managers? Here is a useful framework for thinking about the role of coaching, from Harvard Management Update.

Is executive coaching at U.S. companies destined to play a role occupied by psychoanalysis in some Neil Simon version of Hollywood: a virtual prerequisite for anyone who aspires to be anyone?

It might seem that way at some organizations, at least to the untrained eye. IBM has more than sixty certified coaches among its ranks. Scores of other major companies have made coaching a core part of executive development. The belief is that, under the right circumstances, one-on-one interaction with an objective third party can provide a focus that other forms of organizational support simply cannot.

And whereas coaching was once viewed by many as a tool to help correct underperformance, today it is becoming much more widely used in supporting top producers. In fact, in a 2004 survey by Right Management Consultants (Philadelphia), 86 percent of companies said they used coaching to sharpen the skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders.

"Coaching has evolved into the mainstream fast," says Michael Goldberg, president of Building Blocks Consulting (Manalapan, New Jersey), whose clients include New York Life and MetLife. "This is because there is a great demand in the workplace for immediate results, and coaching can help provide that." How? By providing feedback and guidance in real time, says Brian Underhill, a senior consultant at the Alliance for Strategic Leadership (Morgan Hill, California). "Coaching develops leaders in the context of their current jobs, without removing them from their day-to-day responsibilities."

At an even more basic level, many executives simply benefit from receiving any feedback at all. "As individuals advance to the executive level, development feedback becomes increasingly important, more infrequent, and more unreliable," notes Anna Maravelas, a St. Paul, Minnesota-based executive coach and founder of TheraRising. As a result, she says, "Many executives plateau in critical interpersonal and leadership skills."

So, should you have a coach? And which managers in your sphere of responsibility might benefit from working with an outsider to help sharpen skills and overcome hurdles to better performance?

The right approach to answering these questions still varies a great deal depending on whom you ask, but input from several dozen coaches, and executives who have undergone coaching, does provide a useful framework for how to think about the role of coaching.

The road to coaching runs two ways
Although both the organization and the executive must be committed to coaching for it to be successful, the idea to engage a coach can originate from either HR and leadership development professionals or from executives themselves. In the past, it has more often sprung from the organizational side. But given the growing track record of coaching as a tool for fast movers, "We see more executives choosing coaching as a proactive component of their professional life," says Cheryl Leitschuh, a leadership development consultant with RSM McGladrey (Bloomington, Minnesota).

Executive coaching is not an end in itself
In spite of its apparently robust potential, the very act of taking on a coach will not help advance your career. In other words, don't seek coaching just because other fast movers in the firm seem to be benefiting from it.

Coaching is effective for executives who can say, "I want to get over there, but I'm not sure how to do it," says James Hunt, an associate professor of management at Babson College and coauthor of The Coaching Manager (Sage Publications, 2002). "Coaching works best when you know what you want to get done." Perhaps, in spite of your outstanding track record, you haven't yet gained the full interpersonal dexterity required of senior managers—for example, you're not yet a black belt in the art of influence, which is so important in the modern networked organization. Honing such a skill might be an appropriate goal for a coaching assignment.

But simply having a clear purpose won't guarantee coaching value, says Michael Goldberg. "You have to be open to feedback and willing to create positive change. If not, coaching may not be the answer."

There are certain times when executives are most likely to benefit from coaching. Executives should seek coaching "when they feel that a change in behavior—either for themselves or their team members—can make a significant difference in the long-term success of the organization," says Marshall Goldsmith, a high-profile executive coach and author of eighteen books, including The Leader of the Future (Jossey-Bass, 1996).

More specifically, the experts say, coaching can be particularly effective in times of change for an executive. That includes promotions, stretch assignments, and other new challenges. While you may be confident in your abilities to take on new tasks, you may feel that an independent sounding board would be beneficial in helping you achieve a new level of performance, especially if close confidants are now reporting to you. More so, you may recognize that succeeding in a new role requires skills that you have not needed to rely on in the past; a coach may help sharpen those skills, particularly when you need to do so on the fly.

But coaching is not just for tackling new assignments. It can also play an invigorating role. Coaches can help executives "develop new ways to attack old problems," says Vicky Gordon, CEO of the Gordon Group coaching practice in Chicago. "When efforts to change yourself, your team, or your company have failed—you are frustrated or burned out—a coach can be the outside expert to help you get to the root cause and make fundamental changes."

One increasingly common use of coaching for senior executives focuses on the challenges of managing younger workers, and on helping executives better understand and lead a new generation of employees whose work ethics and values are different, says Stephen Fairley, president of Chicago-based Today's Leadership Coaching and coauthor of Getting Started in Personal and Executive Coaching (Wiley, 2003).

Coaching engagements should be part of a larger initiative
"Coaching works when it's systematic," says Babson's Hunt, and many organizations use coaching as an integrated part of a larger leadership development program. Increasingly, firms incorporate "360-degree" feedback, using the results to indicate areas in which an executive might benefit from working with a coach. Has your feedback revealed an area in which you would like to improve? Is it a skill you need to refine in order to advance through the organization? Would you benefit from an outside perspective? The answers to these questions help gauge the potential value of coaching.

Coaching can provide benefits not available elsewhere
"One of the big benefits of a coach is that they aren't tied to the organization, your friends, or anyone else," says Washington, D.C.-based executive coach Linda Finkle. "They are tied to you only, so they support what you want and where you want to go.

"Even our families, who want the best for us, can't be unbiased or totally objective. What you do or do not do impacts them, whether it's positive or negative. A coach is not impacted by your decisions, your wins or losses, or anything else."

As Finkle notes, this doesn't mean that company goals aren't supported by coaching—indeed, the coach was most likely hired by the company to support the executive's efforts to achieve those goals. Even so, the role of the coach is not to represent specific company needs or interests. "The perspectives they provide, the alternatives discussed, and everything else has no agenda except to support the coachee," she says.

For better or worse, many executives can't find this type of conversation partner—what Harvard Business School professor Thomas DeLong calls a "truth speaker"—elsewhere in their companies.

Reprinted by permission from "Methodology: Do You Need an Executive Coach?" Harvard Management Update, Vol. 9, No. 12, December 2004.

See the current issue of Harvard Management Update

Paul Michelman is the editor of Harvard Management Update.

Are There Organizational Risks to Coaching?

Ideally coaching is a three-way partnership between the executive, the coach, and the organization, in which all involved agree on specific goals and parameters. Even so, no one can really control coaching's outcomes.

So should companies worry that the coaching experience will reveal to valued executives a motivation that leads them astray from the intended organization path—or away from the firm altogether?

Here's one way to look at it. If an experience—through coaching or anything else—reveals an interest that leads an executive away from the firm, everyone stands to gain. The executive finds a better fit and, ideally, a space in the firm becomes available to someone who is motivated by the challenges at hand. It's much the same thinking that companies have gone through regarding leadership-development programs at large. The occasional departure of a manager in whom the firm has invested a great deal is offset many times over by the increased value of those who remain.

Source: dated 6/13/2005

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chinese Article About Coaching

高階教練Executive Coaching──經營管理的新顯學

根據調查,美國企業平均每年花在高階教練的經費約是10億美元,顯示「教練」已成為企業經營管理上的顯學 而高階教練的計畫與執行,如何為企業策略與人才發展加值,已成為人資工作者不得不關注與省思的課題。以下是產業學院HRD CLUB 七月講座"高階教練Executive Coaching" ,邀請到陳錦春小姐演講的報導.隨著全球化時代來臨,所有組織與個人莫不卯足全力,挖空心思提升競爭力,期使在全球的競爭上立於不敗之地,而身處高度競爭、高壓力負載的環境下,高階經理人可謂「高處不勝寒」。由於高階主管位高權重,部屬通常不敢給予真實的回饋,而形成許多經營管理上的盲點,加上組織對高階主管的高度期望,也常使主管不敢輕易洩露自己的無力與無助。日積月累,造成主管們缺乏自信,看不清目標而舉棋不定;或是專斷獨行,聽不進任何人的意見;走到這種地步,小則影響自身前途,大則造成團隊失控,對企業影響甚鉅。

根據美國一項調查指出,有一半以上的高階主管在面對未來工作生涯時,無法勝任組織的要求,而必須尋求外援。全球人力資源管理顧問公司Right Management Consultants在2004年的研究則揭露了86%的公司曾運用過教練(Coach)來改善領導潛能及達成組織目標。而根據《哈佛經理雜誌》(Harvard Management Update),美國企業平均每年花在高階教練(Executive Coaching)的經費約是10億美元。凡此種種皆顯示「教練」在美國已經成為企業經營管理上的一門顯學,而在台灣則仍屬方興未艾。高階教練的計畫與執行,如何為企業策略與人才發展加值,相信是許多人資工作者關注的課題。「教練」對企業的效益令人期待,因此,我們不妨先來了解何謂「教練」?曾任職於華邦電子訓練發展經理、目前於Marshall Goldsmith School of Mgt.商學院攻讀心理諮商博士的陳錦春指出,根據國際教練聯盟協會(ICF,International Coaching Federation)的定義:由專業的教練和一位高階主管所形成的一對一的協助關係。關係的建立是為了協助主管提升個人以及組織的績效,達到一種可以看見及測量的結果。而在這種協助關係中,教練運用不同的行為技巧和方法來協助當事人達到他們共同設定的「改善其專業表現和個人適應力」的目的,而終極目標則是提升組織的效益。教練的基本哲學是,相信當事人擁有創意和資源的完整個體,在這個基礎假設上,教練的責任就是發掘、澄清當事人所想要達到的目標,進而將此目標連結到當事人的日常工作上,並鼓勵當事人發現自我、自發性地找到解決問題的方案,並且協助他朝此策略目標前進。事實上,高階教練的發展一開始是組織心理學家針對企業經理人以及資深領導人提供顧問式的協助,由於顧問對組織及個人不具威脅性,且能提供一定程度的幫助,包括:提高生產力、改善工作品質、強化組織力量、以及工作關係(包括與直屬主管、利益關係人及同儕、工作團隊等)的改善等,因此大受歡迎,成為時下高階主管趨之若鶩的成長助力之一。

● 沒有表現出其最理想的程度,或是表現得不錯,但是有某些部分需要加強;
● 正處於某種可能會導致其表現不彰的壓力之下;
● 正要轉換到某個職務上,而且會被賦予更多的責任或承擔高風險的工作;
● 因其個人的問題而導致工作上的負面表現;
● 自覺需要被幫助者。


加強經營績效是許多高階主管聘用教練的主要目的,做法上不外乎透過評估(Assessment)、客製化服務(Customization)、教練(Coaching)及績效分析(Impact Analysis)4個步驟的循環(如【圖1】)。





一、MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)這是心理學上經常使用到的人格測驗工具,由瑞士著名的心理分析學家榮格(Carl G. Jung)在1920年初期所發展出的人格類型演化而來。MBTI將人格類型分為8類,分別是內向型(I,Introversion)與外向型(E,Extroversion)、感官式(S,Sensing)與直覺式(N,Intuition)、思考型(T,Thinking)與感覺型(F,Feeling)、以及判斷型(J,Judgment)和覺察型(P,Perception)。這8種人格類型又可組合出16種人格指標(如【圖2】)。例如諮商員大多是內向(I)、直覺(N)、人本(F)以及跟著計畫走(J)的人格類型;而督導者則通常較外向、凡是親身體會較能相信、重邏輯及判斷。


二、CPI(California Psychological Inventory)CPI是一種被廣泛使用於人際行為與社會互動的人格測量工具,包括19%的法律執行機構會使用CPI來做為職前的選拔依據,而FBI也利用它作為工作審查工具。CPI是根據人的內向/外向、以及是否照常規常理行事,將人格特質區分為Alpha、Beta、Gamma、Delta四個象限(如【圖3】)。例如某君測驗結果是落在GAMMA區,其人格特質為外向、有創意型,推測此人可能是行銷顧問或廣告公司老闆等。

圖3】CPI 的4種人格特質資料來源:陳錦春



● 個別角色的責任:包括負責教練專案的單位(或人)有哪些?如何挑選以及配合教練一同運作?
● 策略性的考量:如何讓被教練者有被教練的意願(讓他可以得到好處)?並且要與企業策略與組織需求相結合。
● 訂定契約:必須有文件為憑。
● 對於整個方案的通盤考量:選一個教練,公司有多少預算?以及如何進行成果評估等。


施行高階教練,主管無須離開職場,而是直接與其日常工作上的運作銜接,如此一來,不只個人受益,連帶組織也可以得到好處,因此教練工作有其成就感。陳錦春表示,要成為稱職的教練,必須學習的領域相當廣泛,領導力發展顧問馬歇爾‧葛史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith)的教練祕招就在於,他會要求被教練者自己訂目標,並且當眾承諾要改變哪些行為,如果做不到則必須勇敢道歉。正由於公開承諾,身為高階主管總不願自毀威信,因此會努力地去改變自己的行為。此外,馬歇爾會請被教練者找出影響他行為的關鍵第三人,透過正面的支持與鼓勵,以及適當的激勵手法來使被教練者朝目標邁進。「要幫助別人成長,就要從自己開始。」對於所有想改變現狀,追求向上的職場老將或新兵,這句馬歇爾鼓勵所有他教練過的CEO的話,都是非常受用!

★導入高階教練4階段計畫階段1:定義出發展目標擬訂全面性的策略指導方針和遊戲規則階段2:目標願景要明確且定義清楚透過承諾獻身於意欲達成的成果,導入高階教練流程階段3:個人化的行動計畫 長時間的行為改變與支持階段4:指導教練會議與互動採取必要的行動與改變行為模式資料來源:陳錦春
文/人才資本雜誌特約記者 許慈倩
source: Sep 2007

Coaching Skill becomes one of the Requirements for Leaders Post Employment

In a recruitment post on 11 Dec 2007 for A Team Leader to work in Shanghai for 通用电气(中国)有限公司 GE China, coaching skill becomes one of the requirement:

* BS+ degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. 3+ years' engineering experience on industrial new product development or product / technology transferring.
* At least 2+ years' experience of leading new product development or localization projects within an engineering team.
* Self-directed and self-motivated in a new business and function. Be able to work with cross-functional and global teams to set up clear targets for team, which fully align with business strategies and customer needs.
* Great team working spirit. Be willing to take the challenges to the team and solve them out resourcefully.
* Proven leadership skills. Be able and willing to mentor, coach and develop team members via project practices.
* Excellent communication / influencing skills
* Be familiar with project management scopes and tools
* Working experience in multi-national, cross-functional and multi-cultural teams
* 6-Sigma GB certified (GE internal)
* MS+ advanced degree in Engineering
* Experience in wind turbine technology or hardware

Friday, December 14, 2007

Coaching Article - ROI or VOI

ROI or VOI?by Bronwyn Bowery-Ireland

In the last several issues of Business Coaching Worldwide, I have shared some models that are currently used to measure the ROI of business and executive coaching. At this stage, rather than present another model, I would like to create a little debate and discussion around ROI in general and how coaches are using ROI models.

I often hear coaches say, "Why should we use an ROI model to measure coaching at all?" This is a pretty good question. ROI was a '60s response to the need to measure the effectiveness of training and its impact on corporations' bottom lines.

But coaching is very different from training. Coaching is client-centered, client-directed, and client-focused. There is no formal training plan set in place. Trainers, on the other hand, teach new skills and determine the particular training methodology to be used. ROI justifies the training by showing a direct link between the training and resulting improvements in employee productivity—and thus the bottom line.

read more

source: Business Coaching Worldwide winter issue 2006

About Coaching in China - yet to educate and expand

Although Coaching sounds has already been on board in China. International companies hire coaches for their expatriates for transition coaching and cross-cultural coaching are the major demand. Yet, there is no reliable record about how many local Chinese organizations understand what is coaching and how to utilize this effective mean in their senior management's development.

Some of my coach colleagues are travelling all the way to Shanghai, Beijing and Guanzhou for providing 1 on 1 coaching services to international companies located in China. Thus, the out of pocket expenses are expensive.

I strongly believe there are some local Chinese professionals from all walks could transform themselves in to a professional coach for both executive and life coaching. Then, what hinders the development of coaching in China?

There could be many reasons, yet I think one of the main reasons could be due to the coaching learning materials are mainly in English. Thus, IAC is in her preparation process in providing the IAC Coaching Masteries in Chinese to enhance the learning exposure of coaching material to Chinese coaches.

I have briefly translated the IAC Coaching Materies titles as below: They are just for your early reference withour verification by IAC. Please refer details per IAC website at

1. 建立及維持互信的關係
2. 察覺和肯定客戶的潛能
3. 投入聆聽
4. 處身現在
5. 表情達意
6. 理清
7. 協助客戶建立並保持清晰的意向
8. 探索更多的可能性
9. 協助客戶創建並且使用支援性的系統和結構

Keith To, one of the experienced coaches in Hong Kong has well written an article in this relation at Please enjoy reading.

About Coaching in Hong Kong - Certified Coaches are in demand

I had conversation with the director of a global human capital management company, he told me that high standard certified coaches are in demand in China, in particular those Chinese speaking ones.

Along with the fast pace economic growth in China, in the past 10 years more and more global companies have established their branch offices, factories and OEM partners in China. Transition Coaching was the main demand in the past and those require only English speaking coaches. However, along with the localization process, high talent Chinese executives are promoted to senior positions, new format of coaching is in demand. What are these needs?

IAC is vagorously developing her multi-language certification. Do you want to be part of this process. Please join IAC HK Chapter Meeting and contribute your talent.

Good News - About the launching of IAC Shenzhen Chapter in 2008

I would like to announce a good news that Benny Cheung is approved by IAC headquarter to host the IAC Shenzhen Chapter. Isn't it amazing that only after 3 months of the kick of the IAC HK Chapter, we have our new sister chapter in China.

Well, our next target will be the IAC Guangzhou Chapter. Will you be the president of it?

Please contact Coach Bonnie at for any enquiry or write direct to Kerri of IAC.

Hire a Mentor Coach for your Coaching Certificate

One of my coaching friends said to me this this week, "I need to hire a Mentor Coach for my Coaching Certificate."

In fact, this voice was exactly the same in my mind 2 years ago. I did and after 8 months of advancing learning, I am certified by the IAC. Yes, as our coaching spirit, set your goal, hire a coach and you will be the champion.

If I look around the coaches in the coaching directory of the Hong Kong International Coaching Association, I did not find many of them offers mentor coaching. Does it mean we are lacking of mentor coaches in Hong Kong? Or there are only limited experienced coaches offering mentoring because there is limited demand.

I, therefore, decided to organize a meeting about how to get certified by ICF and IAC in our Feb meeting with invited guest speaker, Coach SK. Please stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are You in Presence at a Workshop?

In Dec's meeting, we were glad to have Chung joined us. It was very unusal to me in any coaching meeting so far I have attended and hosted, as Chung is just a fresh graudate for a year. Does it indicate that young people in Hong Kong are getting interest in coaching as well?

While we were taking turn to give a brief introduction to each other, I found each of us were experiencing a new opportunity to know the new familiar person right in front of us in this meeting. This made me to realize again the power of the Japanese idom of "The only moment in our life" 「一期一會」.

Lee, Katherine, Lorraine and Chung were all bringing in good energy and vision to the meeting. We learned and explored the common and difference between the 15 Proficiencies and the 9 Masteries together. We treasured the essence of "curiosity" and "golden silence" in each of the fine model.

Moreover, Lee understood the truth and beauty of P11 - Champion the Clients with her powerful lazer awareness.

At the end of the meeting, one participant is bold to declare that, "If I have strong intention in getting IAC certification by paying effort and heart in hiring a mentor to working together with a group of like-minded and like-goal coaches as the supportive environment, I surely will be certified." What a great breakthrough in knowing the potential of oneself. Awesome and surely I believe you will because your intention has already brought you one step closer to the certification.

Presence brings true awareness.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Good News to Share

I am very excited to let you know that since we have kicked off in Oct 2007, 3 new members from Hong Kong and 1 new member from China were increased.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

How to Run an IAC Local Chapter?

It has been 4 months passed after the kick off of the first IAC HK Chapter meeting in Oct, 2007. Here are some of my sharing on how to run an IAC local chapter:
  1. Since we do not have much support in hardware, such as venue, adminstration and etc. the most valuable and the only asset is people. I, therefore, develop a self-initiated and group-serving culture within the Chapter. There is no host for each Chapter meeting. Everybody comes in is part of the meeting to take care the flow of it. Well, I enjoy each meeting with any feeling of burden.
  2. I do not build a reminding culture by sending Gentle Reminder monthly. I build a Weblog to post all the information and also post month advertisement on to the HKICC newsletter to attract those who are serious about this coaching meeting.
  3. I have chosen a cozy place than a classroom or meeting room to let participants feel at home and relax. Here is a place for personal freedom in learning and exchanging knowledge and views.
  4. Do not mind the attendance, even one or two participants are precious for the meeting because although coaching is hit in Hong Kong among the people industry but no for everybody yet. They will come when time goes by.

Saturday, December 1, 2007 cannot be seen in China

Please note that is blocked by the firewall of China. Thus, IAC HK Chapter's Blog could not be read by members and readers in China.

Well, I have to put some thought on how to overcoming this problem. Do you have any suggestion on any good blogging system in China that supports multi-languages?

At this moment I know Wordpress and Movable Type CMS carried by proper domain could be read in China.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Activity - Dec 2007

Theme : What is the Difference between 15 Proficiencies and 9 Masteries?
主題 : 研究15 Proficiencies 與 9 Masteries的分別與共通。

Facilitator : Coach Bonnie, IAC-CC
主持人 : Coach Bonnie, IAC-CC

Date and Time : 11th Dec 2007 (Tue) 7:00-8:30pm
日期 : 二OO七年十二月十一日 (星期二) 晚上七時至八時半

Place : Rm1704 Car Po Comm Bldg., 18 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, HK. (MAP)
地點 : 香港中環擺花街18號嘉寶商業大厦1704室 (地圖)

Fee : Sharing on Venue Fee (Total HK$400)
費用 : 共同平均分付場地租用費 (共計HK$400)

Maximum Participants : 20 people
最多人數 : 20人

Language : Cantonese
語言 : 廣東話

RSVP : via email
報名 : 請電郵至

Buddy Coaching for Test 1

Participants to the Nov IAC Chapter Meeting on the topic of "What is IAC Test 1 all about?" formed a buddy group and reherased on the sample test listed on the IAC Website.

Most of the occasions, different person selected different answer. I like this scenario because participants could get in to a discussion opportunity to explore more on each others' points of view. In fact, this was also the most enjoyable part for the participants - The Learning Process.

Participants are seeing Test 1 is more doable than before that they thought was very difficult. They also recognized that it was easy for them to fall in to the pitfall of rushing in to the solution without articulating the beauty of Proficiency 1 and 2, the coach has his/her own agenda, time rushes their pace and etc.

Moreover, they were inspired that it is no need to fight alone for Test 1. Instead to form a buddy group as they have experienced in the meeting makes the learning easier and have much more fun.

Last but not least, thanks Coach Selene to have shared her experience in getting Test 1 past in Sep 2007.

Thanks to Volunteers who have supported IAC HK Chapter

IAC Coaching Masteries Chinese Translation Team : Summer Chan, Tan Chew-Yan and Bonnie Chan. Angela Spaxman helped verification on the English nurance.

IAC Coaching Masteries Rectifying Team: SK Shum, Nana Wong, Diane Chan, Leo Siu, Selene To and Julia Zhu.

Lorraine Lee - thanks for helping me to send out meeting reminders.

Benny Cheung - thanks for writing inspiring articles for the Chapter Blog and showed his interest to organize the Shenzhen Chapter in further promoting IAC to coaches in China.

Selene To - thanks being our guest speaker in Nov Meeting sharing her Test 1 experience.

Agina - thanks for commiting in help out in the meeting whichever needed.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Activity - Nov 2007

Theme : What is IAC Test 1 all about?
主題 : 有關IAC Test 1 的網上筆試

Facilitator : Coach Bonnie, IAC-CC
主持人 : Coach Bonnie, IAC-CC

Date and Time : 13th Nov 2007 (Tue) 7:00-8:30pm
日期 : 二OO七年十一月十三日 (星期二) 晚上七時至八時半

Place : Rm1704 Car Po Comm Bldg., 18 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, HK. (MAP)
地點 : 香港中環擺花街18號嘉寶商業大厦1704室 (地圖)

Fee : Sharing on Venue Fee (Total HK$400)
費用 : 共同平均分付場地租用費 (共計HK$400)

Maximum Participants : 20 people
最多人數 : 20人

Language : Cantonese
語言 : 廣東話

RSVP : via email
報名 : 請電郵至

Monday, October 22, 2007






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Monday, October 15, 2007

IAC Events in English

Angela Spaxman and Carol Lewis are holding a buddy practicum in the lunch time of every second Tuesday at WanChai. Interested parties, please contact Angela for details.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

從書畫之効力看Masterful Coaching

(1) 實質上 :
  • 普通之技能 (Coaching Foundation) - Coaches' Coaching Skill and Mastery of Coaching Flow and Process.

  • 專門之技能 (Specialty Coaching) - Executive Coach, Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Teens Coach, Financial Coach...

(2) 形式上 :

  • 智育上 (What is Human Beings?) - Coaches' Connection and Sensitivity towards Human Nature including individual's unique beauty and potential.

  • 德育上 (Who Are You?) - Coaches' Integrity, Ethics, Genuine, Service Leadership, Honest and Truth, Respect, Cultural Sensitivity, Continue Growth and Self-Donts.

  • 體育上 (How is Your Energy?) - Coaches' Self-discipline (from desires), Modelling on "Walk the Talk" and Building Reserves.

8 participants to the Oct Meeting discovered:

1. A Masterful Coach should be masterful and highly aware in the above elements. Which one are you missing?

2. Coaching courses available in the market currently are getting none or much less covering the area of item (2) in their curriculum. How will you work on these vital personal development? Where can you get them mastered?

3. Upon completing a Coaching course, why a course graduate finds difficult to go for a real coaching? What is missing?

4. If a coach believes the power and effectiveness of coaching and ready to provide such an inspirational service to his/her client(s), why you do not have your own coach?

Monday, October 8, 2007

IAC Coaching Masteries Chinese Translation Team

IAC announced the Coaching Masteries in early 2007. Do you know the Chinese Version is already undergoing translation aggressively? Please see our team member:

Bonnie Chan (right)
Summer Chan (left)
Tan Chew Yen (middle)
Angela Spaxman (English Verification)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Activity - Oct 2007

Theme : Dialogue on What Masterful Coaching is.
主題 : 用李叔同談藝的觀點去探索「甚麽是大師級教練的要素」

Facilitator : Coach Bonnie, IAC-CC
主持人 : Coach Bonnie, IAC-CC

Date and Time : 9th Oct 2007 (Tue) 7:00-8:30pm
日期 : 二OO七年十月九日 (星期二) 晚上七時至八時半

Place : Rm1704 Car Po Comm Bldg., 18 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, HK. (MAP)
地點 : 香港中環擺花街18號嘉寶商業大厦1704室 (地圖)

Fee : Sharing on Venue Fee (Total HK$400)
費用 : 共同平均分付場地租用費 (共計HK$400)

Maximum Participants : 20 people
最多人數 : 20人

Language : Cantonese
語言 : 廣東話

RSVP : via email
報名 : 請電郵至

IAC Local Chapter is facilitated by voluntary IAC members at their local areas to building a supportive environment for IAC local members and those who are interested in the IAC 9 Masteries. Participants are requested to contribute at their initiative and share the incurred expenses.
由於IAC香港分部是一個由IAC會員為了向本地相關業界和有興趣人士義務式的提供一個交流與互動的平臺,務請各參加者主動參與及分付費用,以「施比受更為有福」的信念去邁向共同成長與領導將來,旨望更多教練能考獲 IAC-CC 世界級認証及更有效力地服務在香港及大中華地域。

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Coaching In India

Managers are expected to wear the coaching hat more often than their managerial hats. Likewise, CEOs are desperately seeking a sounding board and wanting to partner with someone, who can help them navigate their business challenges and realise their full potential, notes Totus Consulting founder-CEO Ganesh Chella.

Source: Economic Times India Read More

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


如果你有一个梦想去扩大你教练专业当中的人际及商业网络,使有意义的教练项目具体实现 并由于凝聚力了一群热情担当的教练们, 帮助你当地的社会更广汛地采用及发展教练文化的果効,并同时意识到你在教练专业的领导力,请来与我们一起成立你当地的IAC分部。 我将会很高兴在以下地区中协助你实现此目标 :



How about hosting your IAC Chapter?

If you have a vision to expand your coaching network, to crystalize meaningful project(s) with passionate coaches, to assist your society to apply coaching culture, to realize your coaching leadership, please come and join us to host your local chapter.

I would be delighted to assist coaches in below areas to start up their IAC local chapter(s):

Shenzhen, China (received enquiry)
Guangzhou, China
Shanghai, China
Beijing, China
Tokyo, Japan
Osaka, Japan

Interested parties please email me with English or Chinese (中文) or Japanese(日本語) at and check here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Executive Coach gives lecture in university

Penn State's Smeal College of Business annouces that executive coach Marshall Goldsmith will deliver a lecture at 4:30pm Oct 17 in the university. The talk, which highlights "What Got You here Won't Get You There," is open to the public.

Hi coaches, will it be a vision for you to give a lecture in the Hong Kong University or the Hong Kong City University and else?

  • What kind of new impact about coaching you would like to give to the audiences?
  • What would you like to see happening after 1 month you step out from the lecture hall?
  • What does this lecture means to you?
  • Why you are the one deserve to give this lecture?
  • With whom you would like to sharing this achievement?
  • Who would you like to talk to right now?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Who has passed Test 1 ?

Information provided here is at the best information from the chapter host without verification.

Hong Kong
Tomas Bay
Angela Spaxman
Bonnie Chan
Katherine Lo
Raymond Shum
Nana Wong
Selene To
Pandora Ng

Julia Zhu

Why Coach Mentoring is important?

Coach Mentoring / Supervision

Saturday, September 8, 2007

About Coaching Schools

In a meeting, I was asked to recommend a coaching school to an executive lady.

Of course, I was easily connecting this question with my coaching school. However, my second thought told me that it is a good question to explore with.

I, therefore, initiate to make a survey with coaches around me on "Where did you learn your coaching?" with comment in one sentence. Here we are. Please drop me an email on your coaching school to

If you are planning for an IAC Certification, please note that IAC does not have any pre-requisition on where you get your coach training. Instead, IAC certify coaches on their masterful skill in using the IAC Coaching Masteries.

I learnt my coaching from Coachville - Graduate School of Coaching 1,000 hours program (USA) . I see Coachville is a school with comprehensive and up-to-date coaching models and material for every walks of coaches that requires your curiosity to explore and digest at your own learning pace and good for coaches' continuous personal and professional learning development. Their 15 Coaching Proficiencies is excellent to master. ~ executive and business coach

I learnt my coaching from ICF approved program offered by Institute of Life Coaching Training. ~ life and relationship coach

I took my coaching training with Results Coaching System, Australia. I chose this training because it has 3 days intensive face-to-face interaction and practices with another 12 weeks of telephone conference coaching and practice with all the participants. ~ trainer and life coach

My coaching school Is HKU SPACE on" Foundation Certificate in Life Coaching" for 6 months. The program is designed for middle and senior managers in HRD and HRM professions, organization development consultants, social workers and other professionals , etc. who are moving into a coaching role. At the end of the course, the participants can have preliminary understanding of their coaching style and the direction of improvement. ~ life coach

more sharing is coming, please stay tuned.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Coaching is getting into Franchise Business

Have you ever dropped in SevenEleven, Circle K, McDonald, Starbuck, Pacific Coffee and etc? They are all franchise business.

Have you ever heard of Franchise in Coaching for about HK$1,000,000?

Yes, back to 3 years ago, I saw one Chinese website promoting Coaching Franchise in China which requires the starter to have a university degree, 5 years working experience and an investment of about RMB300,000+. Then they will provide you training and all the starter's kit.

Here in Year 2007, I found another Business Coaching company is offering Business Coach Franchise Package. Here is what they mentioned:

  • From your first enquiry, it takes approximately 2 months to go through the recruitment and training process. You will be ready to start working with clients as soon as you have finished training.
  • Prime target clients are small to medium sized businesses.
  • There is a six figure earnings potential for our business coaches, depending on individual effort and tenacity.
  • The franchise package includes 20 days training, 5 of these being specific coach training; A fully documented, proven business blueprint; An operations manual; The XX brand; Proven marketing strategies; An extensive suite of business tools and systems; A fully loaded laptop; CRM; report generators, Extranet; continuous training and support; much more..
  • The cost of franchise package is £45,000 / €65,000. (about HK$700,000)
  • The start-up and working capital will need to have access to £15,000 / €22,000 for your start-up costs and working capital provision.
  • 70% of funding support is available for both the franchise package, and the start-up costs from the major banks.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Social Responsibility

I personally see IAC as a non-profit making international certifying body for coaching professions. Could it be considered as one of the Social Enterprises? Instead of finding the answer on the yes and no, I try to see how I could contribute more effectively in this organization by adapting how Harvard Business School looks at how to run a Social Enterprise:

Social Enterprise Program Portfolio
Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategies to Create Business and Social Value is designed to provide senior corporate executives in a variety of industries with the knowledge, practical tools, and frameworks for integrating social responsibility into their corporate strategy.

Governing for Nonprofit Excellence (GNE): Critical Issues for Board Leadership is intended for nonprofit board chairs and other board members in leadership roles, who want to utilize core governance competencies to strengthen board leadership and to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Performance Measurement for Effective Management of Nonprofit Organizations (PMNO) is designed to help nonprofit leaders use performance measurement to align the organization's mission, strategy, and internal performance; assess and respond to external demands in accountability; and build performance measurement systems to meet the organization's mission.

Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management (SPNM) is an intensive offering that provides nonprofit senior executives with a conceptual approach to shape the direction, mission, policies, and major programs of the organization.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good News from Arizona Chapter

Kerri told me that their Chapter has newly developed 3 committees in interact with the IAC members and the interested public, they are:

  • Education Committee
  • Certification Committee
  • Business Development Committee

I believe when time goes by, our Hong Kong Chapter could also expand to follow their foot print in interacting with our members.

Negotiate over Interest, not Position

Recently, I have a chance to involve in a discussion on how to coaching a family business.

John A. Davis suggested in his article on "Five Steps to Family Negotiation" that negotiate over interests, not positions. If a family member doesn't know what his or her interests really are, a supportive family can encourage the family member to talk about possible scenarios and gradually uncover his or her true interests. This process requires patience and a nonjudgmental and positive attitude about the family member and his or her possible choices. In a trusting environment where an individual's true needs, goals, and fears can be expressed.

Coaching emphases on trust, safe environment, self-discovery, non-judgmental. Moreover, coaches are helping their clients in revealing their operational systems and seeing beyond from where they are to where they want to become. Isn't it amazing that coaching offers these essence.

It's About Leadership in ideas, in action.

"There are some that can see it in themselves; there are some that need to be informed," says Professor Narayandas. "Talent needs to be nurtured: Many times it takes someone else who can recognize that an individual can think beyond their job, can think bigger, and has the potential to make a bigger impact......."

If I come to ask, 'Who would like to take part in the IAC Hong Kong Local Chapter? "

What I'd like from you are the answers to three questions:
  • What do you want to do in this situation?
  • Why do you do it?
  • What concerns have you with your own plan of action?
Did you taste the taste of "Coaching"?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Passing Rate is much higher for coaches Hiring a Mentor Coach for the Certification

My Mentor Coach for the IAC Certification has done a simple passing rate survey in Mid 2006 and said:"

The BACC pass rate is nearly three times the IAC average. As you may know, only 25% of people who submit recordings for Step 2 of IAC certification pass on their first try. Of the seven BACC members who have done Step 2, five have passed with flying colors on their first try. That's a 70% pass rate."

more about mentor coaching

Thursday, August 2, 2007

IAC HK Chapter Host presents at HKICC

Coach Bonnie, the first IAC-CC certified coach in Hong Kong, hosts of the IAC HK Local Chapter will openly sharing her certification journey and be part of your environmental support in your certification road map.

Date : 6th Sep (Thur)
Time : 7-8:30pm
Place : DD Centre, Wanchai
Language : Cantonese
For more details, please check with the organizer at

Thursday, July 19, 2007

More thoughts on IAC Hong Kong Chapter

Upon my conversation with Kerri, IAC Chapters head leader, I come to aware that I have to get a clarity in mind of how to position our Chapter in Hong Kong. As far as I know, there are few non-profit making groups in Hong Kong are helping the developement of the coaching profession here.

  • Hong Kong International Coaching Community (HKICC since 2002)

The biggest no-profit-making coaching organization in Hong Kong under corporate entity, consisting of over 120 members as of Jul 2007 and regularly organizing the Professional Development Meetings and Executive Coaching Conference for members.

  • ICF Hong Kong Chapter

The Chapter is hosted by Wilson Wan who is an active coach in Hong Kong having a nick name of Magic Wilson. Not active in gatherings.

  • CoachU Hong Kong Chapter

The Chapter is hosted by Angela Spaxman and it seems not in active.

  • IAC Hong Kong Chapter (since 2007)

This is our newly established Chapter in Oct 2007, hosted by Bonnie Chan IAC-CC.

I found HKICC is doing excellent work in building a coaching community, assisting coaches in their professional development, educating public about what is coaching and promoting coaching effectiveness to coporations. Thus, it is no point for me to work duplicately in the same areas.

Taking the most unique area of IAC as an non-profit making international certifying body, I decided to focus the IAC Hong Kong Chapter in assisting coaches in turning themselves from a good coach to a masterful coach by attaining the IAC certification as the first phase. When more coaches get certified, we could consider to the next phase, such as professional and business development of this group of coaches locally and internationally. We network globally.

Well, I feel more focus and visionary for the great development of coaching in Hong Kong in value-adding to individual and corporations' personal and organizational effectiveness respectively through the IAC Hong Kong Chapter.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

We start with a small IAC community in Hong Kong

I have an honor to browse the membership website of IAC and found that there is an increase in members from Hong Kong of which I listed below. I feel no more lonely of being the Chapter host here as I have these people with me. Let me reach out to them!!!!!!!

Angela S.
Vivian E.
Bonnie C.
Amy K.
SiuLing T.
Pandora N.
Lorraine L.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Five Most Common Coaching Mistakes

by Barbra Sundquist, IAC-CC (source: IAC Voice July 07 issue)

Recently someone asked me, "What are the five most common mistakes people make on their IAC certification tapes?" I thought about it for a moment, and then counted off in no particular order:
  • talking too much
  • rushing to solution
  • accepting at face value
  • holding back
  • telling, rather than asking

This is my list. Other certifiers may have a slightly different list. But if I could wave a magic wand, this is what I would love to hear:

  • more silence
  • seek to explore, not to solve
  • challenge assumptions
  • say what you're afraid to say
  • ask, rather than tell

1. More silence
Silence is a very powerful coaching skill. Nine times out of ten if you stay silent your client will eventually say something thoughtful or revelatory. They are using the silence to process their thoughts or access their intuition. That takes time, so don't rush them. The other benefit of allowing more silence is that you are less likely to interrupt or talk over your client.
Exercise: Make a big sign that says "WAIT" which stands for "Why Am I Talking?"

2. Seek to explore, not to solve
Jumping in too soon with advice or solutions is the most common mistake of new coaches. Most clients do not want your solution, at least not at first. They want you to help them explore all facets of their issue. If you do that, the 'solution' or next step will present itself naturally.
Exercise: practice asking only exploratory questions such as:
"How do you feel about it?"
"What have you tried already?"
"How did that work for you?"

3. Challenge assumptions
Part of a coach's role is to challenge client assumptions, excuses or self-limiting beliefs. By doing that, we broaden their possibilities. And isn't that what coaching is all about?
Exercise: Listen for and challenge assumptions. Here are some examples:

  • Client says… You respond…
  • "I couldn't…" "why not?"
  • "Everyone knows…" "who's everyone?"
  • "Of course x is true" "who says?"
  • "I know that…" "Is that a fact or an assumption?"

4. Say what you're afraid to say
Whether you call them inklings, intuition or "that little voice in your head", they're there for a reason. Don't be afraid to share those thoughts with your client. They often lead to breakthroughs.

I'll give you a personal example. When I started coaching I was very strong in some respects, but one thing I didn't do was challenge the status quo with the client. I was a little too polite. As a result I wasn't coaching to my full potential. And I wasn't giving my clients what they deserve.
That changed the day I finally said what I was afraid to say. My client was complaining that his wife was so negative. What immediately popped into my head was "that's ironic, because you're one of the most negative people I know".

In that moment I had to decide whether to keep coaching at the "nice chat" level or to go deeper. I decided to take the plunge. Of course, I didn't just blurt out what was in my head. That would have been hurtful.

Instead, I said, "There's something that I'd like to share with you, but it might be hard for you to hear. Do you feel up to hearing it today?"

When he agreed, I said "It's interesting to hear you talk about your wife's negativity. Because my experience of you is that you are quite often negative, too."

We ended up having the most productive coaching call ever. In fact, he had a major breakthrough. From that point on, I was a changed coach.

Exercise: Listen for that little voice in your head and be fearless in sharing it with your client. Then notice how you feel about your effectiveness as a coach.

5. Ask, don't tell
Coaching is primarily about asking, not about telling.

  • TELL vs ASK (better)
  • You need x. vs What do you think you need?
  • You're an introvert. vs Are you an introvert?
  • You're obviously feeling better. vs How are you feeling?

Exercise: Record and transcribe a short coaching session. Then rewrite, converting "tell" statements into "ask" questions.

About the author: Barbra Sundquist is an IAC Certifier and Certified Mentor Coach who enjoys demystifying the whole certification process. To pre-register for Barbra's brand new 11-CD IAC Masteries self-study program, please go to

Sunday, July 15, 2007

IAC-CC Certifed Coaches in Hong Kong and the Greater China

Information herewith is at the best information of the Chapter host without verification. For more details, please check with IAC official website at

Bonnie Chan, Mar 2007
You are the next......

Saturday, July 14, 2007

IAC is in Greater Attraction

Lorraine, VP membership of HKICC told me that she was amazed of how much IAC has further enhanced her membership benefits in July. Lorraine has put up valuable points to the HKICC management committee for reference. Lorraine herself, particularliy feels interest in the access to a “members only” feature in the Voice, including an expanded “Certifier’s Corner”, where the certifiers will offer valuable insight and advice for the certification process.

(Interesting to note)

1. Changes included as of January 2007:
  • Annual membership dues of $129.00
  • A broader focus on coaching, reflected in our name change to The International Association of Coaching
  • An enhanced listing in our members history search, allowing potential clients to “find” you!
  • Admittance in our new Community Outreach Groups, or COGs
  • Access to a “members only” feature in the Voice, including an expanded “Certifier’s Corner”, where the certifiers will offer valuable insight and advice for the certification process.
  • Transition to our new, up-to-date coaching measures, the IAC Coaching Masteries
  • Expanded member benefits, including the COGs and others which we’ll feature in the next several issues of the Voice.
  • Marketing campaigns that will focus on the benefits of hiring IAC certified coaches.
  • And several other “in the works” enhancements.

2. IAC Membership Benefits

  • Show your commitment to the coaching profession and to the integration of coaching in other professions
  • Pledge to abide by IAC Ethical Principles and Code of Ethics
  • Apply for certification exam and coaching demonstration submissions
  • Retain IAC-CC status. Note: Continuing professional development requirements TBA
  • Directory listing where prospective clients or employers can reach you directly
  • Group rates for professional liability insurance (USA only)
  • Discounts on IAC telesummit and live events
  • Unlimited access to Community Outreach Groups (COG's), our member communities for collaborations, brainstorming, networking and connecting
  • Members only IAC leadership teleconferences
  • Expert articles available in our "members only" section
  • Volunteer opportunities with the IAC
  • Leadership opportunities with the IAC
  • Discounts on assessment tools

source: IAC website

If you are interested in knowing more about IAC in an interactive environment, please join the IAC Hong Kong Chapter events in the upcoming months. We are preparing to meet you soon.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Inviting Message to IAC VOICE subscribers - Hong Kong area

checking IAC has the sample letter or not.....

Who should attend IAC Hong Kong Chapter?

For individuals who want:

  • to evolve from a good coach to a masterful coach
  • to adopt 9 Materies for greatest coaching
  • to be a certified coach and provide assurance to their valuable clients
  • to be supported by a group of like-mind coaches
  • to connect with an international community for personal development

Testimonial from past participants:

Thank you as well for the opportunity to assist you with this evening. I enjoyed it too and learned a lot. You were great! The content was clear and interesting and I could see how you captured everyone's attention so well!! The energy was definitely positive and inspiring! ~ Lee, executive coach.

我很榮幸昨天能認識你,你對教練的熱情及理想令我非常深刻,並且很興奮知道IAC的方向,相信對於推動教練行業有很大幫助。 ~ Cheung, coach agent

I'm writing to say I enjoyed the talk you gave about IAC Certification. It's informative and inspiring. I agree with you that there is a lot we can do to further develop the coaching profession. Certification is a way to maintain the standard. I admire your having the vision to grow the coaching industry in the Chinese speaking community in Greater China. It would be a privilledge to be working with you in making this happen. ~Tan, executive coach

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My intuition tells me.......

The more I invlove in the Local Chapter preparation, the more I feel the excitement of how impactful of IAC in the coaching profession. My intuition tells me:

Sharing on Benefit of Being an IAC Local Chapter Host

I will build my sharing as time goes by:

1. By initiating to host a new Chapter, I got to contact Kerri Laryea (The Chapter Committee Leader in IAC) for details. I was amazed to have chance to communicate with and being guided by a masterful coach who is the ever highest scorer in the IAC Certification for 99%. Isn't it COOL!? Please see Kerri's sharing in her co-authored e-book.

2. As a member of the Hong Kong International Coaching Community (HKICC), I took the initiative to asking for collaboration and cooperation between IAC HK Chapter the HKICC. HKICC suggests to organize a special workshop to let their members to know the first hand information about the first IAC certified Hong Kong coach. It is my honor to sharing with them. I always believe that "Just be bold to ask and the answer will be there."

3. Through the continuous connection with the IAC voluntary officials, I found myself is in paralle pacing with the international coaching update in an effortless manner.

4. Once I decided to establish a local Chapter, the topic itself has already helped me to attract like-mind allies. By the invitation of HKICC management committee and voluntary coordinator Lorraine Lee, the VP membership, I was able to meet with 20 people on Sep 6, 2007 who are interested in knowing more about IAC. I also got voluntary coaches in joint effort with me to fine tune the Chinese translation of the 9 Masteries.

5. The Presence of IAC HK Chapter was listed on the IAC Website.

6. After several months in preparing and kicking off the IAC HK Chapter, today I browsed the internet to see how is the ranking of IAC HK Chapter Blog. I was extremely amazed to find "IAC HK Chapter: xxxxx" are listed on the first page of many searching keywords : including coaching in Hong Kong, executive coaching in HK, CEO coaching in HK, bonnie chan, bonnie chan coaching ........

We need you to grow together!

Welcome to the Volunteer Corner!

Being one of the members of IAC since 2003, I know IAC is a non-profit making international organization, we treasure the core values of building high integrity professionals and strong sense of community and social responsibility on top her her vision and mission. All the IAC management and activities are running by volunteers.

I was one of the members in the International project led by Ms Parker Anderson back in 2004 and later join as the member of the Board of Governors in 2007 and now initiate to crafting a IAC Hong Kong Chapter to create a supportive environment in this part of the world.

I would sincerely invite you to join with us to grow. There could be many ways for a creative volunteer job which I may only highlight a few that I could think of right now. Please feel free to give me your suggestions.

Brain Tankers

  • contribute ideas in how to be an effective local chapter
  • give suggestion in activities' context and content
  • introduce inspiring speakers to the forum

Activity Ambassadors

  • building connections interactively
  • welcomes visitors and members on the spot
  • overseeing all the logitical caring

Structural Engineers

  • create system could simplify our operations
  • neatly locate and synergise the data sources

Please do not hesitate to let your talent to inpsiring more people. contact us at

cheers, bonnie chan

We will kick off in Oct 2007. Stay Tuned!

Welcome to the IAC Hong Kong Chapter!

Though we are still at the preparation stage, your comments are always very important for us to build a strong fundation and keep improving. You can reach us by sending emails to

We plan to have the first kick off event on the 9th Tuesday of Oct 2007. Please mark your dairy and I look forward to meeting you soon.

cheers, bonnie chan
Chapter hosts, IAC Local Chapter - Hong Kong

Sharing of Experience - Q & A

1. How could I know I am qualified to be a local Chapter host or not?

According to March issue of VOICE, IAC has stated that the purpose of establishing a local Chapter is for (1) to strengthen IAC membership on a local level, (2) to connect on an international level and (3) to support the IAC's mission to inspire the on-going evolution and application of universal coaching standards, we believe whoever are IAC members and have a passion and vision of the mentioned points are well beyond the qualification. However, before you commit to be a local Chapter host, there should be a clear understanding on how much time you could and willing to share with and what is your vision and goal. Well, we like IAC's practice by putting up powerful questionnaire for us to think deeper. Click here to see the HK Chapter's feedback on the questionnaire.

2. Will I have financial support in running a local Chapter?

The answer we got so far is "none" in an aspect of monetary support at this early stage of the exercise. However, we are still having a passion to run a local Chapter for building a supportive environment for coaches and potential coaches who are serious to become a masterful coach and about certification in assuring the benifit of their clients.

3. Can I run my local Chapter in my local language?

IAC is an international organization and they welcome us to run our local Chapter in our local language. Therefore, we plan to run HK Chapter in Chinese (Cantonese) first. When we are getting more structural, we may extend to bilingual according to the resourses and needs. We also let our Chapter Blog to naturally running in multi-language (Chinese, English and Japanese) . We feel its fun!

4. How to get people joining my first kick off meeting?

I believe "Nobody can fight alone." Therefore, no matter how many friends and coaching buddies I have and to whom I will send invitation for attending my first kick off Chapter meeting, I need to open up myself first in order to welcome new comers. Thus, I was bold enough to give a workshop at HKICC to sharing my certification journey and there I have made at least over 10 new friends who are interested in IAC Certification.

5. Am I still fit after running the Chapter for 6 months?

It's a good question? I found the purpose of the attendants coming to the Chapter have shifted a bit. At the beginning, they came to see what is IAC HK Chapter and how this Chapter could help them in their coaching learning and development. After 6 months, we have gathered a group of experienced and new coaches who are serious about the IAC Certification and learning of the 9 Masteries. About 9 people has joined the IAC membership from here. Isn't it something for celebration!? I, therefore would like to answer you that I am fit and progressing in hosting the IAC HK Chapter. And I foresee that, upon several coaches get certified, they may like to develop a buddy circle in their coaching business development. From there, we may advance to covering some topics on business development. 19 April 2008

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How To Set Up a New Chapter

Commit to leadership – Starting a new chapter requires a significant investment of time and energy to properly market, recruit, organize and administer information rich meetings that support IAC member.

  1. Acquire approval through IAC to start a new chapter.
  2. Read policy information and guidelines and commit to adhere to them.
  3. Clearly define your vision and goals for the chapter you wish to start.

Preparation – Before launching your first meeting, consider establishing these support tools:

Advertise – Work with the IAC to distribute your meeting information to IAC subscribers in your area.

  • Submit invitation message to the IAC for distribution.
  • Advertise locally via a press release, posting at local coaching schools, universities, and professional organizations.
  • Follow up with meeting details prior to the first meeting.

Launch – To successfully launch your first meeting, complete these administrative and organizational tasks:

  • Print a sign-in sheet to collect participant information.
  • Print copies of policy information for participants to review and agree to.
  • Create an agenda (see sample agenda).
  • Foster introductions and a sense of acceptance (easy to do with a coaching organization!)
  • Collaborate on the vision, mission, and culture of your chapter with the chapter members.
  • Commit to action items in the first meeting to set the stage for forward momentum.
  • Delegate responsibilities to foster teamwork and collaborative growth and development of the chapter

source: IAC - Chapter Committee

How we would see the HK Chapter looks like?

IAC Hong Kong Chapter

“Here is an open chapter that welcomes coaches and potential coaches who are serious about developing their coaching profession, get certified and continue to grow.”

Powerful Questions to interested parties:
1. How to distinguish a good coaching and masterful coaching?
2. Where do you see beyond your current coaching practices?

Our Culture and Mission:
1. We build our dream house on strong coaching foundation – 9 Masteries
2. We design supportive environment for our creative growth
3. We contribute as a way to reciprocal
4. We care the core of coaching and simplify the rest

Our Format:
1. We meet once a month on a fix venue for 1.5 hours
2. We take turn to host the gathering
3. We have a theme for each gathering
4. We are a circle of collective wisdom, no teaching but coaching and sharing
5. We ask permission
6. We respect every opinion
7. We donate to maintain the running of the Chapter

Our Notice Board:
1. We run a Blog to list events and capture the inspirations

Our Founding Members:
1. Bonnie Chan
2. You
3. You............

If you are interested to join with us to grow, please email me at for details.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

What's New in the IAC's Coach Certification System?

by Barbra Sundquist, IAC-CC (source: IAC VOICE, Jun 07 issue)

The IAC Certifying Team is excited to announce that as of July 1, 2007 we will be using the IAC Coaching Masteries™ to evaluate certification submissions (and for the balance of 2007 you can still elect to be evaluated using the 15 Proficiencies - more about that below).

To bring you up to date…

When the draft Coaching Masteries™ were released in January 2007, the Certifying Team began doing "dual" scoring. This means that we scored tapes twice – first against the 15 Proficiencies, and then against the Coaching Masteries™. The score that applicants received was the 15 Proficiencies score (because the Coaching Masteries™ were not yet the official scoring system).

Why have we been doing dual scoring?
For the past six months we've been doing dual scoring to compare the scores received under the "old system" (the 15 Proficiencies) with scores received under the "new system" (the Coaching Masteries™ ). We wanted to determine if there were any problems with the application of the Coaching Masteries™ and if the scores obtained under the two systems would differ significantly in any way.

What did we discover while using the Coaching Masteries™?
The certifiers found that they could score quite easily using the draft Coaching Masteries™. Each of the nine Masteries has a full page description that gives specific indicators of the behaviors and results that would occur when the Mastery is used at a masterful level. We used the same 1 – 5 point scale as we have been using with the 15 Proficiencies, with 5 points indicating "highly effective" use of the Mastery.

Generally speaking, the scores between the Coaching Masteries™ and the 15 Proficiencies were consistent to within a few percentage points. Although we weren't necessarily aiming to have consistency between the two scoring systems, the results do underscore our belief that "great coaching is great coaching", no matter what scoring system is used.

Having said that, we did notice a few places where there is some variability based on scoring of specific masteries vs. specific proficiencies. For example, in the Coaching Masteries™ there is a greater emphasis on appropriate use of silence than in the 15 Proficiencies. So a coach who has a problem with silence may only see that reflected to a minor degree in their 15 Proficiency scoring, whereas it would "score them down" more heavily under the Coaching Masteries™ . On the other hand, under the 15 Proficiencies there is a specific Proficiency that measures "navigating via curiosity". An applicant could blow an entire Proficiency (and many do!) by failing to demonstrate a curious attitude. In contrast, while the Coaching Masteries™ do measure curiosity, it is just part of one Mastery and does not have as great an effect on the applicant's overall results.

We did make some recommendations for changes
During the past six months while the certifiers were doing dual scoring, we noticed some areas of the Masteries that needed tweaking. For instance, there were some behaviors that were duplicated in two or more Masteries. The problem with that is that it tends to "double-credit" or "double-penalize" an applicant. We wanted to avoid that.

The certifiers spent many hours testing and discussing these types of application issues and made recommendations to the IAC Board for changes in wording (most of the recommendations were minor wording changes). We're happy to report that the Board has accepted and endorsed all of our recommendations.

We're now ready to do "real" scoring using the Coaching Masteries™
Yippee! Starting July 1, 2007 the Coaching Masteries™ will be the official IAC scoring instrument. That means that unless you specify otherwise, your tapes will be evaluated using the Coaching Masteries™. You do have the option of being evaluated under the 15 Proficiencies until the end of 2007. If you want us to use the 15 Proficiencies in scoring your tapes, you must specify that in writing at the time of your application.

And since I know someone will ask… no, you can't have your tapes scored under both systems and then pick the highest marks!

All members have access to the same descriptions of the Masteries that the certifiers use. As a result, we feel that it will be easier for applicants to choose which of their tapes to submit for certification.

Best of luck to everyone!

About the author: Barbra Sundquist is an IAC Certifier and Certified Mentor Coach who enjoys demystifying the whole certification process! To pre-register for Barbra's brand new 11-CD IAC Masteries self-study program, please go to

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Our GO-al Statement

Dear Kerri,

I admire your endeavor and like the idea of IAC Chapter, in particular to create the presence of IAC worldwide and let more coaches and potential coaches to know about this profession and be attracted together for our/their personal and professional development.

My vision is to set up a HK Chapter this year, and then extend to have 2 more IAC Chapters in China, say Shenzhen and Shanghai in 1-2 years time. I would also like to liaise with any of our member(s) located in Japan (or even VOCIE subscriber) to give him/her support to create a Tokyo Chapter. Kerri, I agree with you that a guideline and a successful Model is a must to kick off. Let’s dream to double and triple our Chapter in the upcoming 2 years.

Cheers, bonnie

Monday, April 16, 2007

First Step to a Chapter

From: Coach Bonnie []
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 1:21 AM
Subject: IAC Local Chapter

Hi Kerri,
I am Bonnie Chan, an IAC-CC from Hong Kong. I am glad to learn of your Local Chapter topic in VOICE Mar Issue. I would have interest to follow your footprint to extend our experience sharing with my local coaching buddies. To let you know more about me, I answered your listed questions as below.
Cheers, bonnie email:

· Why do you want to start a chapter?
Bonnie>> I found the factual information and experience sharing about IAC certification are not clear and insufficient in this part of the world. Thus, un-clarity creates fear and hesitation. Moreover, the language barrier defeats many passionate attempts. Being the first IAC-CC in Hong Kong and China areas who spent her lonely journey for 8 months wants to share the HOPE to those interest and serious players in IAC certification.

· What is your motivation?
Bonnie>> My motivation is to fan the flame. I am a small potato but I am growing so as to attract those who want to grow in this remarkable coaching profession.

· What would be the benefits to chapter members?
Bonnie>> I dare not to say what benefit I could provide for the chapter members at this moment. Yet, I believe a Chinese saying that “Path is built by people who walked it through.” I believe my open sharing and supportive encouragement would be one of the environmental supports for coaches here. And usually coaches are life learners and creative leaders, I believe they will create their own dreams. I just am the starter who is lucky to have a lighting match in hand. Or as a bottom line, I need them to around me too in order to sustain.

· What would be the defining characteristics of your local chapter?
Bonnie>> My local chapter will be a chapter which shares coaching as a life style in both profession and private life. As a professional coach, we are willing to challenge the masterful standard of IAC for personal growth and assurance to our clients.

Friday, April 13, 2007

History in the Making - The First Local IAC Chapter Launch by Kerri Laryea, IAC-CC

My IAC certification journey provided a rich, distinctive texture to the fabric of my coaching and my life. If I hadn't worked so hard at mastering the proficiencies, I wouldn't have experienced the same level of personal growth and professional confidence. I might even have missed out on friendships I expect will last a lifetime. I've noticed that when coaches on this certification journey get together, exchange stories and celebrate the moment, we embroider beautiful accents into our "coaching" fabric. My inspiration for starting the first IAC local chapter was to weave an even richer brocade of connections into my life.

This month we launched the first ever IAC sanctioned chapter meeting here in Phoenix, Arizona. Invitations were sent out to all Arizona coaches in the IAC database. I looked forward to many eager coaching souls from every part of the state flocking to a function that promised, above all, face-to-face connections, fun and celebration.

We were a smaller group than I'd hoped for, but those who did attend brought with them the excitement, enthusiasm and energy so often found when people connect in meaningful, soulful ways. We shared visions for local collaboration and ways of promoting excellence in coaching; we traded stories about our coaching professions and we basked in the pleasure of each other's company.

Here's what Pat Beck of Phoenix, Arizona commented: "It is so nice to make face-to-face connections with coaches who are really serious about our profession. I'm looking forward to the next meeting!"

For those of you IAC members interested in starting your own local chapter, I'd like to support you. Let's work together to strengthen our membership on a local level, connect on an international level, and support the IAC's mission to inspire the on-going evolution and application of universal coaching standards. If you think you're ready to start a chapter, ask yourself these questions (questions asked of me by my coach in Scotland):

Why do you want to start a chapter?
What is your motivation?
What would be the benefits to chapter members?
What would be the defining characteristics of your local chapter?

Please let me know how I can support you.
Kerri Laryea, MPA, IAC-CC,
Kerri is a coach, mentor, wife and mother living in Scottsdale, AZ. Her passion is spinning a web of connections - threads that connect clients to coaches, employers to employees, collaborators to projects, and resources to seekers.

source: IAC VOICE March 2007 issue