Monday, April 16, 2007

First Step to a Chapter

From: Coach Bonnie []
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 1:21 AM
Subject: IAC Local Chapter

Hi Kerri,
I am Bonnie Chan, an IAC-CC from Hong Kong. I am glad to learn of your Local Chapter topic in VOICE Mar Issue. I would have interest to follow your footprint to extend our experience sharing with my local coaching buddies. To let you know more about me, I answered your listed questions as below.
Cheers, bonnie email:

· Why do you want to start a chapter?
Bonnie>> I found the factual information and experience sharing about IAC certification are not clear and insufficient in this part of the world. Thus, un-clarity creates fear and hesitation. Moreover, the language barrier defeats many passionate attempts. Being the first IAC-CC in Hong Kong and China areas who spent her lonely journey for 8 months wants to share the HOPE to those interest and serious players in IAC certification.

· What is your motivation?
Bonnie>> My motivation is to fan the flame. I am a small potato but I am growing so as to attract those who want to grow in this remarkable coaching profession.

· What would be the benefits to chapter members?
Bonnie>> I dare not to say what benefit I could provide for the chapter members at this moment. Yet, I believe a Chinese saying that “Path is built by people who walked it through.” I believe my open sharing and supportive encouragement would be one of the environmental supports for coaches here. And usually coaches are life learners and creative leaders, I believe they will create their own dreams. I just am the starter who is lucky to have a lighting match in hand. Or as a bottom line, I need them to around me too in order to sustain.

· What would be the defining characteristics of your local chapter?
Bonnie>> My local chapter will be a chapter which shares coaching as a life style in both profession and private life. As a professional coach, we are willing to challenge the masterful standard of IAC for personal growth and assurance to our clients.

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