Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Negotiate over Interest, not Position

Recently, I have a chance to involve in a discussion on how to coaching a family business.

John A. Davis suggested in his article on "Five Steps to Family Negotiation" that negotiate over interests, not positions. If a family member doesn't know what his or her interests really are, a supportive family can encourage the family member to talk about possible scenarios and gradually uncover his or her true interests. This process requires patience and a nonjudgmental and positive attitude about the family member and his or her possible choices. In a trusting environment where an individual's true needs, goals, and fears can be expressed.

Coaching emphases on trust, safe environment, self-discovery, non-judgmental. Moreover, coaches are helping their clients in revealing their operational systems and seeing beyond from where they are to where they want to become. Isn't it amazing that coaching offers these essence.

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