Thursday, April 3, 2008

What Happens When Coaches Make Mistakes?

It is indeed a real question that all coaches should ask themselves before they come in to professional practices.

"No coach can help every client?" could be a fundamental question to begin with and to admit to.

Being a coach, we will not put ourselves at nowhere. We love to turnaround or shift things upside down creatively. Therefore, we play an exercise on searching ourselves internally - "Who are my favorite clients." If you are working with the right category of clients, you will find the coaching flow goes as is because you are an expert than a on-the-job training coach.

Coaches are life-learners. Professional Coaches always hire their personal coach to raise their self-awareness and clear the blind spots. If your coach never have a mentor coach than only learnt coaching from his/her coaching school, he/she may not understand the real deep taste of coaching. Then, how could he/she coach you for your maximum benefit.

below is a message from coachng common.

What Happens When Coaches Make Mistakes?
Posted: 27 Feb 2008 11:22 AM CST
When I read this article from Thailand, it really made me think about how coaches admit, respond and make adjustments when they feel their clients are not making the anticipated progress. This coach talks quite candidly about realizing that he coaches top level execs very well, but does not experience the same success with middle managers.

His lightbulb-moment caused him to rethink his client base as he rededicated his coaching efforts to the group that reached desirable outcomes. Remain an executive coach, yes, but not for just ANY executive.

Do coaches receive coaching to help them understand their strengths, assess their effectiveness and evaluate their outcomes? What happens when coaching clients do not reach their goals? Do coaches consciously gravitate toward clients they know they can help or do they cast their nets wide and understand that no coach can help every client?

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