Monday, August 20, 2007

Coaching is getting into Franchise Business

Have you ever dropped in SevenEleven, Circle K, McDonald, Starbuck, Pacific Coffee and etc? They are all franchise business.

Have you ever heard of Franchise in Coaching for about HK$1,000,000?

Yes, back to 3 years ago, I saw one Chinese website promoting Coaching Franchise in China which requires the starter to have a university degree, 5 years working experience and an investment of about RMB300,000+. Then they will provide you training and all the starter's kit.

Here in Year 2007, I found another Business Coaching company is offering Business Coach Franchise Package. Here is what they mentioned:

  • From your first enquiry, it takes approximately 2 months to go through the recruitment and training process. You will be ready to start working with clients as soon as you have finished training.
  • Prime target clients are small to medium sized businesses.
  • There is a six figure earnings potential for our business coaches, depending on individual effort and tenacity.
  • The franchise package includes 20 days training, 5 of these being specific coach training; A fully documented, proven business blueprint; An operations manual; The XX brand; Proven marketing strategies; An extensive suite of business tools and systems; A fully loaded laptop; CRM; report generators, Extranet; continuous training and support; much more..
  • The cost of franchise package is £45,000 / €65,000. (about HK$700,000)
  • The start-up and working capital will need to have access to £15,000 / €22,000 for your start-up costs and working capital provision.
  • 70% of funding support is available for both the franchise package, and the start-up costs from the major banks.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Social Responsibility

I personally see IAC as a non-profit making international certifying body for coaching professions. Could it be considered as one of the Social Enterprises? Instead of finding the answer on the yes and no, I try to see how I could contribute more effectively in this organization by adapting how Harvard Business School looks at how to run a Social Enterprise:

Social Enterprise Program Portfolio
Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategies to Create Business and Social Value is designed to provide senior corporate executives in a variety of industries with the knowledge, practical tools, and frameworks for integrating social responsibility into their corporate strategy.

Governing for Nonprofit Excellence (GNE): Critical Issues for Board Leadership is intended for nonprofit board chairs and other board members in leadership roles, who want to utilize core governance competencies to strengthen board leadership and to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Performance Measurement for Effective Management of Nonprofit Organizations (PMNO) is designed to help nonprofit leaders use performance measurement to align the organization's mission, strategy, and internal performance; assess and respond to external demands in accountability; and build performance measurement systems to meet the organization's mission.

Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management (SPNM) is an intensive offering that provides nonprofit senior executives with a conceptual approach to shape the direction, mission, policies, and major programs of the organization.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good News from Arizona Chapter

Kerri told me that their Chapter has newly developed 3 committees in interact with the IAC members and the interested public, they are:

  • Education Committee
  • Certification Committee
  • Business Development Committee

I believe when time goes by, our Hong Kong Chapter could also expand to follow their foot print in interacting with our members.

Negotiate over Interest, not Position

Recently, I have a chance to involve in a discussion on how to coaching a family business.

John A. Davis suggested in his article on "Five Steps to Family Negotiation" that negotiate over interests, not positions. If a family member doesn't know what his or her interests really are, a supportive family can encourage the family member to talk about possible scenarios and gradually uncover his or her true interests. This process requires patience and a nonjudgmental and positive attitude about the family member and his or her possible choices. In a trusting environment where an individual's true needs, goals, and fears can be expressed.

Coaching emphases on trust, safe environment, self-discovery, non-judgmental. Moreover, coaches are helping their clients in revealing their operational systems and seeing beyond from where they are to where they want to become. Isn't it amazing that coaching offers these essence.

It's About Leadership in ideas, in action.

"There are some that can see it in themselves; there are some that need to be informed," says Professor Narayandas. "Talent needs to be nurtured: Many times it takes someone else who can recognize that an individual can think beyond their job, can think bigger, and has the potential to make a bigger impact......."

If I come to ask, 'Who would like to take part in the IAC Hong Kong Local Chapter? "

What I'd like from you are the answers to three questions:
  • What do you want to do in this situation?
  • Why do you do it?
  • What concerns have you with your own plan of action?
Did you taste the taste of "Coaching"?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Passing Rate is much higher for coaches Hiring a Mentor Coach for the Certification

My Mentor Coach for the IAC Certification has done a simple passing rate survey in Mid 2006 and said:"

The BACC pass rate is nearly three times the IAC average. As you may know, only 25% of people who submit recordings for Step 2 of IAC certification pass on their first try. Of the seven BACC members who have done Step 2, five have passed with flying colors on their first try. That's a 70% pass rate."

more about mentor coaching

Thursday, August 2, 2007

IAC HK Chapter Host presents at HKICC

Coach Bonnie, the first IAC-CC certified coach in Hong Kong, hosts of the IAC HK Local Chapter will openly sharing her certification journey and be part of your environmental support in your certification road map.

Date : 6th Sep (Thur)
Time : 7-8:30pm
Place : DD Centre, Wanchai
Language : Cantonese
For more details, please check with the organizer at